A significant percentage of historic properties in Ohio, including ones which have income-producing uses, are not 25,000 square foot, multi-story structures. Many are of modest size and line the streets of Ohio downtowns and neighborhoods of all sizes, contributing to a strong sense of place in many communities.

In some of these locations, preservation and downtown revitalization organizations provide information on various financial incentives available for building rehabilitation. In the majority, however, no such assistance is available.

With this in mind, and with the Ohio General Assembly’s recent action to temporarily expand the scope of the Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit in Ohio’s smaller counties, Preservation Ohio has created a new version of its Banking On The Past online resource center to focus on smaller and mid-sized rehabilitation projects.

Features of this new collection include links to the latest program information from many sources, as well as links to information videos available online, etc. sorted by topic for easy access. A section on the Ohio Hitoric Preservation Tax Credit includes a compendium of well over a dozen projects of modest scope, highlighting the fact that even smaller projects can have tremendous local impact.

The new Banking On The Past — Small To Mid-Sized Project Edition will be unveiled at this week’s conference in Urbana (there’s still time to register at this link → https://preserveohio.com/southwest-meetup), and will thereafter be made available at our upcoming regional events. Any Preservation Ohio member who would like access should send a request to: thomasatpo@gmail.com.

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